Playhouse 2 has been the home of amateur theatre company ‘Crompton Stage Society’, since 1966. It produces and hosts a wide variety of entertainment, professional as well as amateur, each year.
The theatre is solely owned and operated by the Society’s membership with no regular external funding. New recruits to help run the theatre are more than welcome. Crompton Stage Society is a registered charity 246831.
Crompton Stage Society was formed in 1934 and used the top floor premises of the Oddfellows Hall on Farrow Street, Shaw for its first ever production: The Broad Highway.
The Society acquired in 1938 a disused Methodist chapel in Gordon Street, Shaw. During the second World War, the Society kept its doors open despite many
restrictions. In the post-war era the Society gained strength and as a local paper observed in our 21st year (1955): "Crompton Stage Society sets the standard for drama in the area."
In the early 1960s, however, disaster struck when the theatre was gutted by a mystery fire. A grant of £2000, generously made by the Pilgrim Trust, together with many donations, insurance money and a tremendous amount of hard work saw the Society back in business within 3 years.
The former cinema ‘The Princes’ was restored and converted in 1966 to what is now Playhouse 2, where Crompton Stage Society has happily resided ever since. It was the first amateur theatre with a unique open thrust stage in the North West, which provides perfect viewing from any angle - an asset we are sure you will apprecicate.